FDA certified laser hair removal

[Laser hair removal is the use of the laser's "selective cold laser effect" to illuminate the hair follicle directly through the epidermis with a laser that mediates to a specific 1064 wavelength. The melanin of the hair follicle and hair shaft selectively absorbs light energy, and the resulting cold effect causes the cold hair to illuminate the hair follicle to necrosis, and the hair no longer grows. The effect of laser hair removal is remarkable. The process of hair follicle absorbing light necrosis is irreversible and does not destroy normal skin tissue. Therefore, laser hair removal can achieve the hair removal effect of permanent hair removal]

Non-invasive and painless

A non-invasive treatment is used, and many clinical trials have shown that most patients feel only a cold feeling.

Hair removal thoroughly

The cold laser can penetrate into the deep layer of the dermis and the tissue of the subcutaneous fat, and acts on the deep hair follicles of different parts to effectively remove the deep hair of any part of the human body, and the hair can be basically cleaned four times.

Recovery period:

The laser hair removal method can be followed, no recovery period, no special care, no loss of normal life and work, no unnatural traces after hair removal.

Fast treatment time:

The treatment is quick and the treatment time is very short. You only need to "drink a cup of coffee" to complete a treatment.

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